Thursday Sep 27, 2012
Box vs. Out-of-the-Box Thinking
Thursday Sep 27, 2012
Thursday Sep 27, 2012
In Emergency Management, when you think outside of the box you are still utilizing box thinking to formulate your idea. You have to. Think of it as a Stringed Quartet vs. a Jazz Quartet. It's still music. One is very structured and the other more improvisational and yet they still utilize some of the same instruments, chords, and notes to produce the final sound that they desire. It can even be the same song or piece of music. Very often the stringed quartet can make improvisations or perform different interpretations to the classical pieces. "Out-of-the-Box thinking" is no greater than "Box thinking", when it's done completely. It just means that we have different approaches to achieving a successful outcome.. I think they're both great and I that any individual can possess both characteristics of a "Box or Out-of-the-Box thinker. Which one are you and why do you think so? http://fireofficertrust.org
Sunday Sep 23, 2012
Thermostats or Thermometers
Sunday Sep 23, 2012
Sunday Sep 23, 2012
Saturday Sep 22, 2012
The Six C's
Saturday Sep 22, 2012
Saturday Sep 22, 2012
I have been fortunate to work with a number of Fire Officers, from every rank and in many different departments. It's been privilege and honor to train new officers, in a variety of ranks and disciplines. I count it a privilege, because it gave us a chance to share, learn and gain insight into the many components of Command. The prevailing question on their minds has always been; "How do you know, when you know? These Six "C's" of Fire Officer Trust (Commitment, Competence, Confidence, Communication, Courtesy, Courage), can follow in the order that I have given them; or may follow what best suits you and your situation; save the last... COURAGE.
Friday Sep 14, 2012
Friday Sep 14, 2012
Friday Sep 14, 2012
Just a quick welcome message. Hope you stop by from time to time.